
Extended information notice on cookies

Pursuant to Arts. 6 and 7 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and to Measure no. 229 of 8 May 2004 issued by the Italian Data Protection Authority, on this page the Data Controller, Unitransports s.r.l, Via Zurigo, 28/2 – 20147 Milan, provides the users of the website with information on the cookies used and/or proposed for storage.

This extended information notice on cookies (hereinafter also cookie policy) should be acknowledged by also reading, in a separate document, the privacy notice under Art. 12 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, which is available in the specific “privacy” section of the website in the footer of the home page.

The said cookie policy is also intended to describe the requirements laid down by law and the characteristics and purposes of the cookies installed by the website, as well as to include the updated link to the information notices and consent forms of any third parties with which the website Owner has entered into agreements for the installation of cookies via its website and, lastly, to remind users that they can set their cookie preferences also via their browser settings.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that the websites visited by the user send to the latter’s devices. These files are stored inside them and are then sent back to the same websites on the user’s next visit, if any. Cookies can be stored on the user’s device directly by the website visited by the user (first-party website) or by a different website, the so-called “third-party”, since each website may contain elements (images, maps, sounds, specific links to webpages of other domains, etc.) that can reside in and/or lead to links on servers other than those of the first-party website. Thanks to the storage of cookies, users can customise their use of given website content, saving their preferred settings. For instance, a cookie can be installed for the automatic recognition of registered users without these having to register again on their next visit.

Taxonomy suggested by the Italian Data Protection Authority
(Ref. Identification of simplified methods for the information notice and the acquisition of the user’s consent to cookies - 8 May 2014).

The Italian Data Protection Authority’s Measure no. 229 of 8 May 2014 suggests a taxonomy that identifies two categories of cookies, based on two possible purposes of processing:

  1. Technical cookies
  2. Profiling cookies.

Technical cookies
These cookies are used for browsing purposes and/or to provide a service to the user. They are not used for other purposes and are usually installed directly by the website Owner. Without these cookies, given operations would not be possible or would be more complex and/or less secure, such as home-banking services (visualisation of statement of account, wire transfers, payment of utilities, etc.) for which cookies - which allow for the user’s identification and maintenance thereof throughout the session - are essential.

Profiling cookies
These cookies are used to trace the user’s Internet browsing and create profiles on the latter’s tastes, habits, choices, etc. They can be used to send advertising messages to the user’s devices in line with the latter’s preferences expressed in the course of his/her online browsing.

Consent to the installation of cookies on devices
The user’s consent to the storage of cookies depends on the purposes for which cookies are used, and the classification of cookies as “technical cookies” or “profiling cookies” depends on the said purposes. The installation of technical cookies does not require the user’s consent, while the installation of third-party cookies implies, inter alia, the obligation to provide a suitable information notice (under Art. 12 Regulation (EU) 2016/679). As regards, instead, profiling cookies only, the same can be installed on the user’s devices only if the latter has given his/her express free, spontaneous, specific and unequivocal consent after being suitably informed thereof.

Analytical cookies
The Italian Data Protection Authority (in relation to Measure no. 229 of 8 May 2014) has specified that these cookies are similar to technical cookies only when they are used to optimise the website and are used directly by the website Owner (thus not by a third party), which may collect aggregate information on the number of users and how they visit the website. At these conditions, the same rules - in terms of information notice and consent - envisaged for technical cookies, apply to analytical cookies.

Acquisition of consent to cookie storage
To trace the consent acquired, the website Owner uses a specific technical cookie, a system that is not particularly invasive and that does not require any further consent. Where this “documentation” is present, the short information notice does not need to be shown again on the user’s second visit to the website, without prejudice to the latter’s right to deny his/her consent and/or change his/her options at any time and very easily, for example by having access to the extended information notice, which must thus be accessible from every page of the website.

Data supply
With the exception of technical cookies that are strictly necessary to ordinary browsing operations, data supply is left to the data subject’s discretion who chooses to browse the website after reading the short information notice contained in the relevant banner. Therefore, the data subject may avoid cookies being installed by maintaining the banner (thus not closing it by clicking on “OK/I ACCEPT”), and using the appropriate functions available on his/her browser. In the alternative, the data subject may stop browsing the website.

How to disable cookie storage through the browser settings
The user’s general consent to the installation of any cookie on his/her device may be denied by selecting the appropriate settings on his/her browser: website browsing without the user’s activities being tracked will be available in any case in all its functions. Please find below some links containing information on how to disable cookies for the most common browsers:

Internet Explorer:;
Google Chrome:;
Mozilla Firefox:;
Apple Safari:

Please find below - Table 1 - the list of cookies (first-party cookies only) which the website may store on your device to supply products and services:










Unique identification of the user’s session





Registration of the user’s acceptance of the cookie policy (banner)

Table 1- List of cookies used on the website

Last update: 27/07/2019

Unitransports SPA - Via Zurigo 28/2 - 20147 Milano - Italy
Tel. + - Fax +39.02.4125145 - P.Iva IT08867840152
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